Karan Reshad
Creative Miscommunication
کارن رشاد
Karan Reshad
Like Most people I understand the reality as it is, but unlike many, I believe human's relation with reality should not be in the form of acceptance but criticism. Creativity begins with questioning something which Already exists and reshaping it into something which has not existed yet.
Media Projects

Taking its title from my Teenage bedroom decorated with a dozen of different hats and caps, KolahStudio started its web apearance in 2003 trying to be a project researching and promoting underground art in Iran.

As a side-project ,IG came to help document and promote graffiti and streeet art in Iran. the website(former weblog) had an undeneiable central role in promoting and showcasing the first decade of Iranian graffiti movement.

As a 48 Pages zine, Swimming outside the Stream tries to document my notes about life in Exile. As an organ far from its body, one must find a way to continue before it is too late. S.O.S contains text, Graphic, Painting, photography and all other printable stuff.
Tanha ComicsIndie Comics & Game
Concentration on story-telling and narrative communication.
Prison and ExileLiving abroad
Reestablishing life in another location however,the same planet.
Art MarketGallery Shows
First Solo show in Seyhoun Art gallery (Masoumeh Seyhoun) / Several Solo and group exhibitions in Iran, Australia, Germany, France, USA, etc.
KolahStudioAvant Garde media
The establishment of Kolahstudio as an underground Art portal project.
Public ArtStreet Art
The initiation of a long term Project to communicate with the urban environment through painting on walls.
Labor MarketCover Designer
The start of my official full- time job as a Cover,Advertisement, Billboard designer in Mainstream Iranian Magazines and Marketing Companies.
Personal Projects
Tanha Games
Media Projects
BrainStorm Mag
Deevaar Movie
S.O.S Zine
- Painting
- Logo Design
- Tattoo Design
- Writing
- Story Telling
- Video Editing
- Experimental Music
- Communication
- Trouble-making
- Problem-Solving
- Web Design
Social Media
Me! on Social Media
I am also available in several social media platforms, interacting with friends, audience and people inside and ourside my circle.
Please be aware, I am not active anymore in some of the listed platforms like Facebook, Vimeo and Flickr, But you might like to check them out to see some older materials.