Finally Realising the victory

The Victory to the Bone design has primarily been used as my main sticker, traveling all around the world for years. The First version of this design illustrated in 2010 and the 3d model version was made in 2012 after my arrival in Germany . The refined version made in 2013 and used as personal…

Shadow of the Snake

Passing the Streets around the world you may see different things ,different locations and get in to different situations which are interstingly disconnected and at the same time connected together. sometimes i play them back together and get a cool new story or a whole new feeling out of feels like living in parallel…

Street Performance

Street Performances are very common in Town and cities around the globe and you might see it nearly every day .but some times they are more eye catching and accurate even if a band is playing a cover song it can be something more than an ordinary everyday street music. i mean Not something which…